Skilled Up

When Sandra Michele Echols and I met at a NYLA conference a few years ago, we immediately recognized our shared interest in the special needs of adult learners with regards to digital and information literacy. We’ve been talking about this and sharing resources for a while now, and decided to share some of our work with the rest of the world. We’ve titled our project “Skilled Up,” focused around a stair-step model to build up from a set of basic skills. In our work with adult learners we came to recognize that many adult learners don’t have the foundational digital skills that instructors (and curriculums) may take for granted – and we want to help change that.

During June 2019 we presented our work on this so far as a poster at ALA in Washington, DC, for the Educators Poster Session. You can click on the poster image below to view the full-size, zoomable PDF.

Also, you can see another earlier presentation about this project at We participated in the Spring 2019 Virtual Poster Session for ACRL’s Distance Learning Section Instruction Group. At that site you can see a Prezi (interactive digital presentation). We’d love to hear your feedback on this work in progress, so please contact us with your thoughts!

Here we are with our poster, about our SkilledUp model for adult learning.
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