(adapted from the VRA Core 4.0 Element Outline)
This page gives a basic overview of all the Costume Core elements, and how they are organized in sets. Their order follows the order in which it is logical for a cataloger to record information when examining a costume object hands-on.
(added elements are bold, mandatory elements are in red, recommended elements are in green)*
Global Attributes: dataDate, extent, href, pref, refid, rules, source, vocab, xml:lang (see description)
Each record is contained within a <work> element, with an ID attribute.
Multiple instances of <work> can also be nested inside a <costumeWrap> element if multiple records will be included in one XML document.
- cataloger
- catalogerName
- catalogerDate
- catalogerNotes
- costumeDescription
- description
- color
- colorMain
- colorSecondary
- colorSecondaryLocation
- structure
- components
- component
- structureNeckline
- structureTorso
- structureSleeves
- structureWaist
- structureSkirt
- structurePants
- structureHem
- structureLining
- closureType
- closurePlacement
- material (type)
- technique
- costumeMeasurements
- measurementsSize (extent)
- measurementsChest (extent)
- measurementsWaist (extent)
- measurementsHips (extent)
- measurementsCenterFrontLength (extent)
- measurementsCenterBackLength (extent)
- measurementsHemCircumference (extent)
- measurementsArmpitToWaist (extent)
- measurementsOther (extent, type)
- inscription
- position
- text (type)
- title ( type)
- agent
- name (type)
- role
- costumeDate (type)
- earliestDate
- latestDate
- stylePeriod
- location (type)
- name (type)
- refid (type)
- costumeculturalContext (type)
- history
- donor
- wornBy
- dc:provenance
- familyHistory
- exhibitionHistory
- textref
- name (type)
- refid (type)
- factor
- gender
- age
- function
- socioEconomicClass
- cost
- classification
- type
- worktype
- information
- informationPublic
- informationPrivate
- condition
- conditionTerm
- conditionDescription
- treatment
- relation (type, relids)
- subject
- term (type)
- image
*this page edited on 2014-05-25 to reflect changes in mandatory / recommended elements; the definitions and schema on other pages have not yet been changed to reflect this