
For this project, the content types that we thought it would be most useful to examine were:

  • Programs
  • People (artists and staff)
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Venues

We have created sample files, utilizing XML files, for each of these content types, which you will find below. On this prototype WordPress site, we are only displaying a small subset of what a full redesign for would need. We chose the pages that we thought would best begin to flesh out the site, but in addition to the pages that we have added here, we would add pages for a calendar, frequently asked questions, contact information, a blog, and more information about Unison, as indicated in our case analysis.

We are only displaying a few sample instances for each content type, but with a much larger dataset, we would also add functionality for filtering the data using both categories and keyword searches. With more data, it would also be helpful to sort the pages, either alphabetically or chronologically.

The content management system we have proposed here would greatly improve the ways that could share information, both internally and with their public audience. Data entry for each of these content types could be accomplished using web forms, so that staff throughout the organization could help the web team to populate the website. As we have structured the data and provided restrictions on certain elements, data entry would be standardized upon entry, and the web team would only have to moderate entries, rather than entering everything from scratch. Also, information from all content types is set up to automatically appear on the related pages, instead of having to be manually connected or re-entered.

*One thing you may notice – the page titles are repeated twice on some pages. That’s because WordPress displays the title of the page, but we also included a title on most of our XSL stylesheets, so that they could stand alone in another content management system.


A group of programs, such as concerts and gallery exhibits, are displayed on the Programs page. From that page, each individual program links to its own page, with more detailed information. These pages pull display images from the image content type files, by including an element for an ID# for related media and using the <xsl:value-of select=”document()”> syntax to pull that related media in the desired format. The <category> element would allow for filtering by category, if we had a larger dataset, to replicate the category pages on the original site.

Schema (XSD)
Sample Data in XML
Sample Grouped Page Display using XSL
Sample Single Program Page Display using XSL

People (artists and staff)

Several different pages on the site relate to this content type. The Staff page is a table of sample staff and board members with their title and a link to their email. The Artists page is a table of sample artists, with links to their email and website, and a category description of their work. This information could also be used for sharing more contact info within the organization, for printing or for local use, though not displayed on the website.

From the Artists page, you can link to a page for each individual artist. This is another place that content from all over the site is linked together, either using image/video ids or just by matching the artist’s name, so the content management team wouldn’t have to manually add programs/videos to each artist’s page, but each time one such content type is added, it will show up on the artist’s page automatically.

Schema (XSD)
Sample Data in XML
Sample Page Display using XSL – Staff
Sample Page Display using XSL – Artists
Sample Page Display for One Artist, Using XSL


For this project, images are listed on the Images page, which links to pages for each individual image. From there, each display image is a link to its fullsize image. A variety of images are also used in different ways throughout the UnisonArts site. An image may be used to represent a program (as shown on the Programs pages), or it may be part of an online gallery, or it may be an example of an artist’s work shown on the artist pages. Re-use of these images in all such ways is achieved by assigning an ID attribute to each image. Then each other content type has a <related_media> element which can include IDs for both images and videos (and could also include audio, although we did not include that in the scope of this project). Then it is possible to use the <xsl:value-of select=”document()”> syntax to pull that related media in the desired format.

Each image is saved in its original fullsize, then also as a display image (max 600 pixels in either direction), a thumbnail image (max 150 pixels in either direction), and a square thumbnail (at 150 pixels square). These files are all then referenced as URLs in the images.xml file, under element tags for each size. Then any XSL file can indicate what image size is desired.

Schema (XSD)
Sample Data in XML
Sample Grouped Page Display using XSL
Sample Single Image Page Display using XSL


Each sample video has its own page, which embeds a viewer from either YouTube or Vimeo, and adds a display of information about the video below. There is also a Videos page which has a table displaying a thumbnail image for each video (which links to the individual video page), and the video title.

Schema (XSD)
Sample Data in XML
Sample Grouped Page Display using XSL
Sample Page Display using XSL


The Venues page provides a list of all venues on one page, with a thumbnail image and some descriptive information about each. Program listings include the name of the venue where the program will be located, which links to an anchor in the Venues listing for the related venue. The thumbnail images that are shown for each venue are identified using an ID attribute, and the image data is called from the images.xml file.

Schema (XSD)
Sample Data in XML
Sample Grouped Page Display using XSL

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